Building a Kernel and Installing It on Your iPAQ

If you make changes to the kernel, such as modifying a device driver, you will need to build and install a new kernel on your iPAQ.


Before you can build and install a new kernel, you must have completed the following steps:

Building the Kernel

  1. Make ~/ipaq/kernel/ your current directory, where ~ represents the directory path where you installed your development kernel.

  2. To configure and bulid the kernel, enter the following commands:

    make oldconfig
    make dep
    make zImage
    make modules
  3. As the superuser, enter the following command to install the modules into the filesystems:

    make INSTALL_MOD_PATH=~/filesystems/init/lib/modules/2.4.0-test9-rmk1-np1  modules_install

    Where ~ represents the path where you installed your development filesystems.

Installing the Kernel and Modified Filesystems

  1. Make CRAMFS files for each of the filesystems, following the instructions in the section called Make CRAMFS Files for the Filesystems.

  2. Upload the new kernel and all filesystem CRAMFS files following the instructions in the section called Upoading Kernel and CRAMFS files to the iPAQ.