Widget Events


This widget is no longer active, due to deactivate() being called on it or one of its parents. active() may still be true after this, the widget is only active if active() is true on it and all its parents (use active_r() to check this).


This widget is now active, due to activate() being called on it or one of its parents.


This widget is no longer visible, due to hide() being called on it or one of its parents, or due to a parent window being minimized. visible() may still be true after this, but the widget is visible only if visible() is true for it and all its parents (use visible_r() to check this).


This widget is visible again, due to show() being called on it or one of its parents, or due to a parent window being restored. Child Fl_Windows respond to this by actually creating the window if not done already, so if you subclass a window, be sure to pass FL_SHOW to the base class handle() method!